Thursday, March 24, 2011

WCF Links

The Windows Communications Framework (WCF) is a part of the .NET Framework that provides a unified programming model for rapidly building service-oriented applications that communicate across the web and the enterprise.

Overview on WCF (high-level intro)

WCF and TFS 2008 Build Deployment

Best Practices: Data Contract Versioning

Best Practices: Service Versioning

Configuration-Based Activation in IIS and WAS

Deploying an Internet Information Services-Hosted WCF Service

Developing and Deploying WCF Data Services

WCF Samples

Monday, November 16, 2009

Using DOS Batch commands to create release folder with DateTime

In my current endeavor I have a solution that contains 3 setup projects that each has a distinct purpose within the overall scheme of things. When I build the solution I'd like to be able to have all 3 setup projects' output all grouped together in one folder whose name reflects the unique datetime (to the second). That way I can uniquely identify at a later date the releases that get built. Here's how I do it with a DOS batch file.

for /F "tokens=1-4 delims=/- " %%A in ('date/T') do set DATE1=%%D%%B%%C
for /F "tokens=1-4 delims=:., " %%a in ('time/T') do set TIME1=%%c%%a%%b
set "dt1=%DATE1:~0,8%%TIME1:~0,1%%TIME1:~2,4%"
set releasedir=MySoftware_%dt1%_Release
cd \All_Customer_Releases
md %releasedir%
cd %releasedir%
md Build1
cd Build1
cd "C:\Documents and Settings\alex\My Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\SolutionRoot"
cd "Setup1\Debug"
copy *.* z:
cd ..
md Build2
cd Build2
cd ..\..
cd "Setup2\Debug"
copy *.* z:
cd ..
md Build3
cd Build3
cd ..\..
cd "Setup3\Debug"
copy *.* z:

Please note that I changed the solution name and the names of the 3 projects to protect my customer's privacy.

I also include this batch file in the root folder of the solution where the .sln file is located. That way its tracked like all the rest of my source files in TFS Version Control.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Today I got 2 WSDL files from 2 different vendors who will be calling our web services to do delegated authentication for single sign on. Here's a todo list on what needs to be done to go from WSDL file to having web services that can be used by the 3rd party application as desired.

1. Use wsdl.exe to generate the .cs files.

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\bin\wsdl.exe" "C:\MyWSDLs\third_party.wsdl" /out:"C:\MyCSs" /serverInterface

2. Create an ASP.Net website with 2 new ASMX files for these vendors with codebehinds.

3. Copy the generated .cs files' code (i.e. the ones in the C:\MyCSs directory) into the ASMX codebehind files.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Highlights Planned for VS2010

See for some snapshots of the new VS2010 user interface. Some things I like:

New support in the editor for outlining: Colors on margin indicating edit status, triangle glyphs, ellipses.

Improved New Project dialog: online template viewing, a search box, easier navigation, multi-targeting includes .NET Framework 4.0 as an option.

New Extension Manager: many third parties have built extensions to Visual Studio and now VS2010 will provide a robust management tool to better find/integrate/manage extensions. See and for some examples.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Haskell and Reactive Programming

See for introductory links.

"Functional Reactive Programming is a paradigm for reactive programming in a functional setting. A number of different systems have been proposed and and sometimes implemented: some with very specific application domains in mind, some aiming at hard performance guarantees, and some being general-purpose FRP implementations."

See for some publications.

Then see some articles from TomAsp.Net about applying Haskell and Reactive Programming to F# and C#.

(I.) - First class events in F#
(II.) - Introducing Reactive LINQ
(III.) - Useful Reactive LINQ Operators
(IV.) - Developing reactive game in Reactive LINQ

TomAsp.Net on F#

"Thanks to the combination of C# 3.0 and F#, this article shows the ideas in a way that should be familiar to you in C#, but also shows a further step that you can take with a primarily functional language F#."

A feature that is usually present in dynamic languages can be very nicely used in statically-typed F# as well. Using F# quotations we can work with a representation of record field, which is in many ways similar to symbols known from Ruby (and similar features in other dynamic languages). Even though it is possible to achieve similar things by using strings using .NET reflection, the sample solution demonstrated here has one important advantage - the code is statically type-safe, which makes the code more robust.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Future Improvements on C# Code Commenting

Read to see a tutorial I wrote on what I consider to be the current "best practice" for C# Code Commenting. I have a few suggestions on future improvements to this "Best Practice":

(1) There should be a way to automate adding a post-build event for source code projects to have the Sandcastle CHM generated as part of the build.
(2) Certainly other project documentation (such as project charters, requirements documents, design/architecture documents, TFS reports (i.e. builds, work items, changesets, etc.) and other artifacts can be integrated into the post-build event.
(3) Certainly the whole post-build process done locally on auto-building the CHM file and including other artifacts can be included as part of the TFS Build process.
(4) Certainly templates with the HP logo, SLM-labels, and other process needs can be integrated into the help-files generation process.
(5) Considering that code comments are compiled into a XML file using a defined schema we can always customize the documentation however we want with XSLT, third party tools, etc.
(6) As Sandcastle is "open source" and Visual Studio is quite extensible it should be possible to specify custom XML tags that can be processed to generate whatever output or perform whatever tasks we want done at build-time.

Do you have any suggestions to add?